from the aquaculture farm set up, to training, marketing and fundraising support.
We offer integrated consulting service to establish and run aquaculture plants/businesses.
We accompany the customers through the selection of species, design of the plant and facilities, assess structural needs and environmental requirements, support the start-up phase and management of fish processing plant, onshore and offshore aquaculture plant, and hatchery. We support aquaculture farmers to find grants and funding (public or private) to kickstart their business or put specific initiatives in place.
Starting from the aquaculture plant and facilities design, we support customers to identify the most suitable supplier and construction company, among our network of specialized partners.
We oversee together with the customer the construction of the plant, minding its efficiency, the economic sustainability of the investment and the environmental sustainability of the material and design chosen.
We deliver training to aquaculture farmers and operators to strengthen their resilience. We apply blended learning methodologies, including pairing offline to online training and tailoring it according to customer’s need. We plan together with clients the fundraising action to plan and deliver training activities.
We deliver marketing studies and consulting to better approach the market, and assess eventual risks connected in time. As well, we can plan strategies to re-target already existing businesses or products and deliver campaigns to position/re-position them.
For further information or to find out details about our aquaculture plant project and modular solutions write us a message.